Columbia IDE


Design and

Our organization helps students learn about innovation, design, and entrepreneurship helping them build a community, form teams, and supporting promising ideas with funding through competitions. We also provide spaces and other resources for prototyping and testing.

Millard Chan ’99 Technology Challenge Finale on April 3

Photos by April Renae (April 3, 2024)

Startup Columbia is a series of campus-wide startup competitions offering non-dilutive cash prizes to the winning teams. The challenge recognizes startups for their solid foundation of applied, solution-focused, and technological innovation with the opportunity to win seed funding for their ventures. Columbia Engineering provided $50,000 in funding to the top three teams in the challenge and $10,000 for the Engineering for Humanity prize. Learn more.

🥇First Place | InstaLabel: Novel customizable data-annotator to train any AI-model.
Ayman Talkani, 2023 M.S. Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Aadil Mehdi  Sanchawala, 2023 M.S. Computer Science

🥈Second Place | Dumpling AI (Goji Health): Automated, product-contextualized documentation for engineers. Jessica Shi, Sarah Gu, Manasi Soman, Theodore Chow; 2024 Columbia Engineering and Columbia College

🥉Third Place | Brekland: Climate resilience solution for farmers combating frost. Philip Brudnicki, 2022, PhD, Columbia University, Biomedical Engineering; Eric Bellefroid, 2018, PhD, Yale University, Geochemistry

🏅Engineering for Humanity Award | CIPER: Automating IV push to reduce administration errors. Sean Kim, Annabel Cho, Leonhard Heinrich; 2024 Columbia Engineering

Connecting Entrepreneurs on February 1

On Thursday, February 1, Columbia Engineering hosted Connecting Entrepreneurs and welcomed the Columbia Engineering Alumni Association, Dev Shrotri, founder of CloudLex®, Leonard Robinson, a Columbia alumnus who empowers diverse founders in technology. The event provided students an opportunity to connect with founders and expand their entrepreneurial network. Alumni shared their experience with guests and ways to leverage their Columbia experience for their ventures.

Fast Pitch on November 15

Thank you all for coming to the event! Wednesday, November 15th was Columbia’s annual Fast Pitch competition. Participants provide a one-minute pitch of their start-up to an esteemed panel of judges and alumni. Over 35 teams competed for a $5,000 prize pool to help directly fund their companies and scale their idea. There were three categories, an undergraduate and graduate category along with an audience choice award, and we are excited to share this year’s winners!

Meet Your Match

Are you looking to join a team or add new team members to your venture? Please refer to the list provided here to make connections and introduce yourself to your fellow Columbia peers. Team leads, we kindly ask you to provide additional information about your startup and team needs.

News and events

Stay up to date on the latest news and community announcements, explore the recent newsletters.

2024 – 2025  Calendar of Events

New calendar coming soon!

COI and IP Resources

Two Online Libraries of Commercialization Resources for Faculty & Students

Columbia Grant Clauses Library contains up-to-date clauses relating to entrepreneurship and technology commercialization for use in grant proposal preparation. The library is available here, with UNI logon.

Columbia Commercialization & Entrepreneurial Resources Database is a university-wide resource geared toward providing a comprehensive and searchable list of all entrepreneurially-related activity at Columbia. Available here.


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